50 Shades Re-visited

February 22, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

50 Shades50 Shades After a nice winter vacation I came back to see the box office numbers from the movie 50 Shades of Grey which was adapted from the series of books. The domestic release of the movie was an impressive $130 million in 10 days with more than $280 million in foreign markets. Complete details of the release are at The HD Room.

Before the release there was an unusual amount of commentary, protests and analysis before anybody saw the movie. No doubt a lot of the commentary and analysis was intended to further his/her own political and social ideologies. Do I have a particular viewpoint about the movie. Not really, since I haven't seen the movie. The only thing that I can say is that sexuality is very complex and views towards certain sexual activities will vary by country and culture.

The creation of images can convey different meanings and messages. The viewer on the other hand can interpret the images in many different ways and often not what the photographer originally intended to convey to the audience. In the 50 Shades Revisited gallery you will see images that convey beauty and sexuality. Could some of them be considered to be kinky or alternative? Maybe, but this depends upon your viewpoint. 

We must always remember that when Hollywood makes a movie it quite often is made to appeal to the lowest common denominator. The summer blockbuster movies are a perfect example of this. Not much plot and weak acting with some action sequences usually generate big box office numbers. What does this say about the movie 50 Shades of Grey. I guess a lot of people need some kink and spice in their lives.

To see the complete series of images go to the 50 Shades Re-Visited gallery.

Watsonphotography.ca creates unique images of fashion, models, travel, people and racing sports by the Toronto based photographer Peter Watson.


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